Don't get me wrong, there's been none of this waiting around for Prince Charming nonsense or soaring musical interludes sprinkled throughout my days-- but I've recently come to realize that a lot of the things I enjoy are derived from the Disney movies I used to watch as a kid.
One similarity after another has slowly crept upon me as I've revisited my Disney days-- blowing my mind with the awesomeness of just how much my favourite movies and characters have worked themselves into my psyche. It could just be coincidence-- I may be reading into it too much-- but I rather like the idea of being a Disney darling.
It's quite possible that my favourite colour is yellow because of Belle's ballgown in Beauty and the Beast-- and maybe I really like willow trees because of Grandmother Willow in Pocahontas. My fascination with Africa can be ultimately attributed to Simba in The Lion King, and my love of everything oceanic must be because of Arielle in The Little Mermaid-- my favourite childhood princess.
So when you think about it, a lot of my personality can be attributed to aspects of the Disney movies I grew up with, and quite frankly, it's awesome. Maybe in consequence I anticipate a magic spell to be flung my way every once in a while, but what does that matter?